Work with me

Lover of all things creative, fueled by Alani's and lattes. and avid boy mama. When I'm not behind the lens, you can find me playing with my two little boys outside all day everyday, planning a new house project, or enjoying a quiet evening with my first responder husband.

I'm honored that you're even considering having me document your special moments. Please stay a while, have a look around and get in touch if you have any questions! I can't wait to meet you.

Hello, new friend! I'm Angela - the girl behind the camera.

Until I had my son. And I realized HOW QUICKLY time passes. How you never know it's the last time they do that cute little thing until after it was the last time. 

I do this now because it's my passion and it's a God-given talent I don't want to waste my one precious life not doing. And I hope I get the chance to bless you with it.

I've loved photography for as long as I can remember. From the elementary kid taking packs of disposable cameras to camp, to the teenager taking my DSLR on mission trips before they were even cool, to the college exercise science major taking photography classes as my electives, taking beautiful photos has ALWAYS been one of my favorite things to do.

When I met my husband almost 10 years ago, he told me he saw me being a professional photographer one day and bought me a beautiful camera bag for the first birthday I had while we were dating. I always had an excuse why I couldn't do it professionally.....

Why Photography?

Do we sound like a perfect match? Learn more about the experience

My goal more than anything else is to capture your family in the same way we view the world. Your child's skintone and dress will look exactly as you saw it in real life and in 30 years when your kids are looking through old photo albums, they'll be seeing life exactly as it was. No photography trends, no altered skin tones, just timeless photographs that perfectly captured every little unique detail of their face, hands, and eyes....exactly like how you dream of remembering them. 

Meet my why. My own little family. And the reason why I'm so passionate about telling other families' stories...

harpist for weddings

My First job:

white sand beach

Dream destination:

almond milk latte

Go-to Coffee order:


Favorite home decor shop

Fun Facts

Night in

Night out









This or That

Get to know me

Work with me

ready to fall       
with your own dreamy family photos? 

in love